Anouk Cuijpers

Name: Anouk Cuijpers

Organization: Maastricht University

Current position: project manager Biobased Value Circle

Areas of Expertise: higher education, management, HRM and pedagogy

Why is Biobased Value Circle an interesting project for you?

After working for 21 years at the amazing broad bachelor University College Maastricht, I was ready to move on. Eager to know more about the research management and as an extra bonus still able to work with young talented people.

The project is very appealing to me since it offers an interdisciplinary research environment where the PhDs contribute to the development of a common language and methodology to stimulate cooperation along the value circle and speed up the product development process. Essential with respect to the climate change and plastic pollution.

Tell something about yourself which other Biobased Value Circle people might not know yet?

Since I recently started at AMIBM, hardly no one knows me yet. However, what people find rare about me is that I create and design my own carnival outfit including the face painting.

How did you become a researcher/scientist?

I did not, because I am working as non-academic. For years, I was convinced that working at the University would be an ideal place for me. Working in a dynamic environment where you have the chance to learn more about all kind of interesting things and especially meet many people. The latter gave me the opportunity to visit all parts of ‘the world’ without me having to leave my hometown.