Name: Benedetta Isella
Organization: Fibrothelium GmbH; National University of Ireland Galway
Areas of Expertise: Silk fibroin coatings, mechanical and degradation tests, computational models

Why is Biobased ValueCircle an interesting project for you?
Biobased Value Circle is a project that conjugates the challenges of scientific research to the values of a sustainable society and economy. I think that the idea of taking into account sustainability right from the first phases of a research project is necessary in the contemporary world and, in doing so, the collaboration between industrial and academic environments could possibly play a decisive factor. Therefore, I believe that Biobased ValueCircle gives me the opportunity to be part of an extraordinary change in the paradigm of research.
Tell something about yourself which other Biobased ValueCircle people might not know yet?
Apart from the scientific interests, I always tried to grow also from the artistic point of view. I studied ballet for 13 years and modern for 18 years learning how finding the perfect balance is difficult but also extremely satisfying and I have been part of a theater company for a couple of years. I also love spending time outdoor visiting new cities and hiking in the mountains.
How did you become a researcher / scientist?
I started approaching the world of scientific research with my Master’s thesis which was part of the Horizon 2020 EU funding project InSilc. During the year dedicated to my thesis I had the opportunity to learn the challenges and the satisfactions that can derive from this activity and I decided to continue studying and doing what I like the most.
What do you like most in your current work?
In my opinion, being part of a network of people trying to make a difference is fascinating and inspiring. Sharing experiences and knowledge with the other students and supervisors in the Biobased ValueCircle project is a process of continuous learning that will help me grow both from the personal and from the scientific point of view. Moreover, I like being able to learn something new everyday and to combine different kinds of tools.