Name: Diogo Manuel Amaral Santos Costa
Organization: DLR (German Aerospace Center): Cologne University: KEEY Aerogels
Areas of Expertise: Biomass Valorization; Green Chemistry; Bioeconomy
Why is Biobased Value Circle an interesting project for you?
I have always wanted to do an industrial doctorate and, when I discovered that such project existed in the area of the bioeconomy, I immediately applied! The possibility to create a sustainable product from biomass residues, from the more academic lab-scale to large scale chemical plants in an industrial environment, is an amazing and rare experience. The complementarity between projects in the consortium, between theory and practice, is very appealing and I fell that only here I can fulfill to the fullest one of my passions: contribute to the development of a true circular and bio-based economy.
Tell something about yourself which other Biobased ValueCircle people might not know yet?
It might be difficult to imagine, but I have other interests besides working with wood and grass! Some of my hobbies include reading, travelling and foot orienteering (always a great opportunity to get lost in the woods). With the start of this project and my arrival in a foreign land, some of my new interests include yoga, quiz competitions and Latin American dance styles.
How did you become a researcher / scientist?
I have always been curious about the World, but it was in my last year of my Bachelor studies that I discovered my passion for the bioeconomy and biomass conversion into high-value products. I realized that I wanted to participate in the construction of a more sustainable and bio-based industry and becoming a researcher seemed to me one of the best ways to contribute. For the past years, I have been working in a variety of different projects related with this topic and I believe that getting a doctorate in the Biobased Value Circle consortium is the best way to become an expert in the field and apply my knowledge in the market.
What do you like most in your current work?
What I like most about my work is how fun it is! Sharing my time between laboratory work, management responsibilities, meetings and seminars might be sometimes tough but it is always challenging and interesting. Each day I learn a new thing, or by reading, by working at the laboratory or talking with someone, and this constant novelty contributes a lot to explain why I enjoy so much to work in my project.