ESR 11: Carolina Bettker Vasconcelos


Operationalizing sustainability in corporations remains challenging. Existing studies are predominantly niched and focus on sustainability professionals or top-level managers to comprehend the practical hurdles experienced in sustainability projects, overlooking broader perspectives. Therefore, this research examined the viewpoint of practitioners from various levels and departments within a multinational corporation (MNC) to unveil challenge patterns encountered in sustainability projects, as well as potential implications for the organization. Through a systems lens, this research dives deeper into system structures that promote such challenge patterns, as well as on mental models that generate such structures. Overall, the results highlight the dynamic and interconnected nature of the identified challenges. Results also indicate that the proliferation of symbolic activities is an important practical implication of the challenges presented in this study, being rooted in system structures that are boosted by the focus on short-term benefits. In general, this study offers an interdisciplinary and integrative perspective on barriers to the implementation of sustainability in a corporate context, emphasizing the need for a systems approach to better comprehend the interplay between company and individual factors in business transformations towards sustainability.

Publications for Communication and Dissemination

Year/MonthEvent / Journal / StakeholderAcd.Ind.Gr.
Title / DetailsLinks
2022NovBiobased Value Circle training eventx  Workshop Common Language – Identification of key concepts to the BBVCLINK
2022SeptScientific Colloquium AMIBM, University of Maastrichtx  Business transformations towards “sustainability”: do we need a common language?N/A
2023AprilLife-Cycle Assessment Course: Fundamentals and Applications  xCoordination and chairing of course
2023JanBrightlands Young Professionals  xSustainability talks – End of lifeLINK
2023June4th Symposium of Circular Economy and Sustainabilityx  Uncovering Practical Challenges in Sustainability ProjectsLINK
2023MayBiobased Value Circle training eventx  Workshop Common Language – Understanding our missionLINK
2022 JanBrightlands Chemelot Campus events, Netherlands  xSustainability talks – End of life of plastics – Jan 23 (organizer)LINK
2023 Juneumlaut/Accenture employeesx xCircular Economy Deep Dive – Circular Economy internal training event –N/A
2023Julyumlaut/Accenture X Presentation – Managerial implications from Study 01N/A
2023SeptCase Company (Study 01) x White Paper – Managerial implications from Study 01 N/A
2023NovBBVC training eventx  Final Workshop Common Language N/A
 2023OctScientific Colloquium AMIBM, University of Maastricht x  xBusiness transformations towards “sustainability”: updates N/A
2024FevJournal of Organization & EnvironmentXX Sustainability in practice: uncovering intraorganizational challenges through a case study of a multinational companyUnder review
2024AprilScientific Colloquium AMIBM, University of Maastrichtx xSustainability in practice: uncovering the intraorganizational dynamics of a multinational corporation through a case studyN/A
2024MayBBVC Symposium: “Harnessing the Potential of Biobased Value Circles”xxxDeveloping a common language for biobased value circles – Research PitchN/A
2024July9th International Conference on New Business Modelsxx Employee Engagement In Business Transformations Toward Sustainability: A Multilevel And Systems’ PerspectiveN/A
2024AugInternational System Dynamics Conference 2024 (ISDC)XXxSustainability in practice: a case study on the interrelations between symbolic initiatives and employee engagementN/A

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Impact on science and/or technology

Overall, this study employs an interdisciplinary and systems approach to better comprehend the factors that hinder corporate sustainability transformations. Therefore, this research advances and integrates knowledge of the fragmented academic field of corporate sustainability. Importantly, the results provided by this research support the future development of frameworks and theories based on the so-called “real world” challenges.

Impact on innovation (companies)

While companies are increasingly engaged with sustainability-related topics, the actual implementation of sustainability strategies remains challenging, even for experienced consultants. This research draws attention to the important interplay between individual perceptions and company structures during a corporate sustainability journey.  This draws the attention to practitioners (either employees, consultants or managers) to the need of a systems and multilevel approach for more assertive decision-making when addressing challenges related to sustainability transformations in a corporate context.

Impact on society

This research sheds light on the perspectives of stakeholders that are still overlooked in the academic literature: employees from different levels, departments, backgrounds and continents of a MNC. Bringing to academia their perspectives on the challenges they experience in sustainability-related projects can support the development of future studies and frameworks that are potentially more impactful, realistic and applicable in practice. Considering that employees are the key driving force behind the operationalization of sustainability strategies, the future applications of the results obtained in this research can ultimately facilitate sustainability transformations in corporate settings.

Visual Summary – Poster