Name: Federica Sallustio
Organization: Technical Proteins Nanobiotechnology, S.L.; BioTex RWTH Aachen University
Areas of Expertise: biomedical engineering, biomaterials, elastin-based material, aortic valve replacement

Why is Biobased ValueCircle an interesting project for you?
It is a huge opportunity to work in a multi- and interdisciplinary team project with a valid and fundamental idea: biobased circular economy to address as soon as possible the issue of this current period. Moreover, we have the possibility to develop our research both in university and in company allowing us to experience both side of the scientific world.
Tell something about yourself which other Biobased ValueCircle people might not know yet?
As a child, my parents introduced me to basketball and I played for about 16 years. Outside the court, I used to enjoy my time with my teammates as if we were one big family.
Now my interests are travel as much as possible to discover cultures and habits that are very different from mine and listen to music and attend concerts.
How did you become a researcher / scientist?
During my master thesis I was able to conjugate theoretical and practical skills, making me realize how fascinating was this combination to make a step forward in a scientific topic. The idea of being part of a project that could give a hint, even small, to research, makes me feel useful in order to help as much as I can.
What do you like most in your current work?
The aspect I like the most is to work in interdisciplinary research like the Biobased ValueCircle consortium, with people who have different background from whom I can be inspired, learn a lot and help me grow both professionally and personally.