Name: Prof. Dr. Ing. Klaus Henning
Organization: Umlaut transformation GmbH
Current Position: Senior Partner
Areas of Expertise: Moderation, Organizational Development and Change Management, Conflict Management, Cooperation Management.
Why is Biobased ValueCircle an interesting project for you?
My special Interest in the Biobased ValueCircle Project is being involved in a real and efficient change in the value chain across companies. My personal experience and the experience of
umlaut transformation about feedback-driven Transformation Processes with the OSTO System approach are therefore an excellent basis.
Tell something about yourself, which other Biobased ValueCircle people might not know yet?
I like to drive horse carriage and to make Mountain tours up to 4000 m.
How did you become a researcher / scientist?
I became an engineering scientist, because I like to make change happen, has been always fascinating.
What do you like most in your current work?
In my current work as a Top Management Consultant, I like to have a trustful relationship with dedicated managers.
What has been the biggest change in your working life, and how did you adapt to it?
Becoming vice-president of the German Engineering Association Responsible for political Affairs has been my biggest challenge.
How do you organize your time at work, reveal some of your effective time management tricks?
- My Daily Prayer: Lord, make, that they will follow your will, whether they like it or not
- Meetings for more than 60 Minutes should be the exception
- In doubtful situations: Never Write, Go Talking to Peopl