Dr. Astrid Boeijen

Dr. Astrid Boeijen is the CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus and former CEO of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus. She has 20+ years of expertise in the field of organizational development and change, innovation and strategy and she has a PhD in Combinatorial Chemistry/Organic Chemistry. See more https://www.brightlands.com/en/chemelot-campus/about-brightlands-chemelot-campus/our-team/person/astrid-boeijen
Prof. Wayne Visser

Prof. Wayne Visser is a globally recognized “pracademic”, poet and “possibilist” on the impact of business on nature and society, with faculty roles at the University of Cambridge and Antwerp Management School. He is also director of the think-tank Kaleidoscope Futures, founder of CSR International, and former director of Sustainability Services at KPMG and strategy analyst at Capgemini. He has written 44 books, including the Amazon bestseller Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society, and the Economy. His work has taken him to 78 countries and he has been listed as a top 100 thought leader in trustworthy business. See more https://www.waynevisser.com/
Prof. Fritz Vollrath

Prof. Fritz Vollrarh is an evolutionary biologist with a long history of studying the behaviour, ecology, life history and evolution of spiders, webs and silks. More recently, the growing fields of biomimetics, bionics, and soft robotics, have attracted his interest, as well as the general idea of copying concepts from Nature. See more https://www.biology.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-fritz-vollrath
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova

Prof. Irina Smirnova is the Head of the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes and the Vice-president of research of the TUHH. Her research areas include Aerogels, high pressure technology, biorefinery, nanoporous materials, separation technologies for life science and molecular thermodynamic methods. See more https://www.tuhh.de/v8/team/professors/prof-i-smirnova
Assoc. Prof. Per-Olof Syrén

His research group works with both state of the art computer simulations and experimental protein engineering to understand life at the atomistic level. His research aims for an enhanced understanding of the impact of solvent dynamics on enzyme catalysis and motion, which bridges fundamental chemical principles with biotechnology. Through transdisciplinary scientific methods him and his team are developing novel enzyme engineering strategies for applications within biopolymer science and for the sustainable generation of fine chemicals from renewable sources. See more https://www.kth.se/profile/perrasyr
Prof. Stefan Jockenhövel

Professor Dr. med. Stefan Jockenhövel holds the distinguished North Rhine-Westphalia BioTex transfaculty professorship of “Biohybrid & Medical Textiles” (BioTex) at RWTH Aachen University, which bridges the gap between material sciences, engineering sciences, and medicine. He is also the founder and CSO of O11 biomedical GmbH.. See more https://www.dwi.rwth-aachen.de/person/prof-dr-med-stefan-jockenhoevel
Prof. Yvonne van de Meer

Yvonne van der Meer is Professor Sustainability of Chemicals and Materials at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. She is scientific vice-director of the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials and research lead of the Sustainable UM2030 program. She is also the President of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society – KNCV.. See more https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/y-van-der-meer
Prof. Barbara Milow

Prof. Dr. Barbara Milow heads the Aerogels and Airgel Composites Department at the Institute of Materials Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne. In her research, she deals with the synthesis of highly porous, open-pored and nano-structured materials, the so-called aerogels. See more https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barbara-Milow
Assoc. Prof. Jules Harings

Jules Harings is asst. Prof. Macromolecular Physics & Technology at Maastricht University. His research focuses on studying, understanding and technically tailoring/exploiting the behaviour of macromolecules from nano- to macroscopic length scales, envisioned in Jules’ research topics, comprising (i) molecular design for high performing biomedical polymers in 3D printing and regenerative tissue engineering, (ii) molecular design of polymer and process specific nucleating agents, (iii) controlling structure evolution of polyamides towards ultimate properties via molecular design and aqueous processing. See more Jules Harings (J.A.W.) – Jules Harings (J.A.W.) – Maastricht University

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