Name: Wolfgang Kroutil
Organization: University of Graz, Austria
Areas of Expertise: Biocatalysis, Asymmetric Synthesis, Chemoenzymatic Synthesis, Biocatalytic Method development.
Why is Biobased ValueCircle an interesting project for you?
The project is a great opportunity to team up with great people from different disciplines and to push the ideas on a biobased value circle forward.
Tell something about yourself which other Biobased ValueCircle people might not know yet?
I like hiking, gardening and repairing things.
How did you become a researcher / scientist?
At High school I got excited by Chemistry due to a teacher.
What do you like most in your current work?
Every day is different, there is the unpredictable and there are the surprises. I also like that I think that I can contribute to the future developments, although the contribution can only be rather small.